From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 26/01/2010 19:09:51 UTC
Subject: ODG: SLS Tort section call for papers

On behalf of Annette Morris: 

Dear All,

 SLS Tort Section: Call for Papers by 1st March 2010

This is a call for papers for the Tort section of the 2010 SLS Conference.  

 This year’s conference will be held at Southampton University from 13th – 16th September and the main theme will be ‘The Human Rights Act Ten Years On’.  The Tort section will meet during the second half of the conference, with two sessions on Wednesday 15th September (2-5.30pm) and two on Thursday 16th September (9-12.30pm).  

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please e-mail me at by Monday 1st March.  I would welcome proposals for papers on any issue relating to the Law of Tort, including those addressing this year’s theme.  Alternatively, if you would like to propose a topic of current interest for a panel discussion, please do get in touch to see if this can be arranged.

 Please note that whilst you need only send me a proposed title and a short summary at this stage, speakers will be expected to submit a full version of their paper to the Conference Paperbank by mid-August.  I would be grateful if you could let me know if you have responded, or are intending to respond, to a call for papers from another section.

 I have been asked to make it clear to speakers that they will need to book and pay to attend the conference.

 I have also been asked to remind you that the SLS offers a ‘Best Paper Prize’ which can be awarded to academics at any stage of their career.  The Prize carries a monetary award of £250 and the winning paper will be published in Legal Studies.  Further details are available at

Best wishes,

Annette Morris

Convenor, Tort Section

Lecturer, Cardiff Law School

Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435